1. A €187 million Euromillions jackpot

In 2013, two tickets matched the seven correctly drawn numbers to win the Euromillions jackpot. This was a record-breaking amount, and the prize was divided equally between the two winners, who chose to remain anonymous.

2. A €190 million jackpot win

This particular lottery win took place in England in 2012, and it is one of those more popular stories on the internet. The ticket was bought by a couple, Adrian and Gillian Bayford, who was thrilled about their win. They also ended their marriage barely a year after winning the lottery. However, we are unsure if the lottery win had anything to do with that.

3. A €190 million Eurojackpot win

Another Euromillions win happened in 2019 in England, and the winner chose to remain anonymous. This win went to a single person, and we are sure it changed their life.

These are not the largest lottery wins in Europe, as there are much bigger wins. However, these are enough to get anyone eager to place a bet, which you can do online at simbalotto.com.